There they are 
Alive, on the move, pretty young, 
Still unproven though they love 
Restless young zeroes in a haze 
Of reckless blind faith taking their 
Own sweet time to write and rhyme 
Their ending 
Are you happy when we're down 
Hey I was gonna ask you that 
Just now and yes I am, 
Yes, I can dig true meaning from 
Your believing and feel alright 
They'll drift and flow 
And take their chances 
All white humming flesh and bone 
In souls they don't own 
How can they not know it ain't 
Good being old with nothing 
Left to show 
But they have each other 
There might be a goodbye him to her 
When time becomes their leveller...and it will 
Ecstatic young searchers who've come 
To love just what they are 
And what they may become...or whatever 
The magic in chaotic scenes 
In the sun and the music in 
The whine and stink, the uneven 
Sounds of summer 
Fabulous bad memories, but there's 
Something alright about having these together 
Too young lives of sleep, 
Of violence and love alive 
In astral days soon lost 
In the rush 
If there's a better way 
It's alright...they're okay 
They're not afraid they'll fade away 
Another wasted unfortunate end 
Another violent sky overhead 
Another sundown burning red 
And it's going down them