The gates of ignorance are widely open now The void´s coming closer to our doors Against this influx of all-pervasive contagion We must build up a solid wall We laugh at the shallow worship of immersion in social scum We laugh at the metro sexual vision of a perfect life We scorn this modern fashion to show off own barrenness We scorn all trendy flashers With smashing visage Our hate is melting down in a furnace with finest steel and from this steel we craft the locks Forbiddingly securing our dwellings against the expansive void Versus the void Versus the void Versus the void Versus the void Emptiness is crawling out of profound darkest abyss The stench is reaching for our legs Hyenas gathered, patiently waiting for next feast smelling the cult of gorgeous flesh – FLESH! All concerns about stardom, about mankind salvation all efforts to fulfill the global dream This all means nothing against the shield of our brotherhood we are the warriors against the void What kind of human nature starving for tidings but daily gluttonized with useless information Absorbing flood of nothing Living on tv drivel Brigades of slaves of shopping lost in tedium Versus the void Versus the void Versus the void Versus the void