You ask me these questions

I’ve asked myself for years

After all this to find

This saviour of mine a peer

Down dangled cord of feather

As the bellows of Jacob sung

Bidded, I climb each tattered rung

Is this home?

Is this heaven’s gift to man?

Make me a child, rid me a father

Rid me a man!

To emerge from this flesh, to be born

To violate law – to be unplanned

Why me?

Fresh faced, bright eyed; a believer

A follower of yours beaten to the ground

Her blouse fell to the floor

Before she could let out her roar

I stumbled upon this universe

It’s catered and fit for me

Its beauty I’m yet to see

[Harmony Solo: Coull & Eltakchi]

Blood and puss coat these walls

And I’m ripped out with a glove

Was I plucked out by the one above?

Or just a product of this rape?

[Solo: Eltakchi]

What is this place you call my home?

You call this my home, what is this place?!

[Solo: Skene]

[Solo: Coull]