Standing proud, In the never-ending glare of the churches, Burning in the name of Satan! Like a thorn in the eye of God! The sons of Satan, Are fighting in this holy war, That has begun! No one thought that you should survive to see the new... Millennium! Kill the priest, Burn the church, The Holy trinity will disperse, By the sword of the Dark Lord, Of this world! We are possessed by the moon We are possessed by evil We are possessed by Satan Possessed! By Satan! Never-ending blasphemy – kill! Burning, immolating! In the name of the Pentagram, Even more black souls to Satan, To fight against the soul of... God! Evil prevails, He returns! Evil lurks around, Every corner! Worldwide revolution, Massacre! Holy war – execution! For the hate! We are possessed by the moon We are possessed by evil We are possessed by Satan Possessed! Possessed by Satan! We are possessed by the moon! We are possessed by evil! Possessed! Possessed by Satan! And then we win the bloodsword, with decider!