In early visions of the night And waking dreams of lust and might A prophet of the great Lilith My soul in sneak came to visit Inquisitive by nature, I Became an instrument of death Destroying the persistent lie With the poison of my all faith And allegiance I sworn to thee O glowing womb that sets me free! In every angle of the night And wicked fantasies of light The faceless Queen of hell rises And barriers she burns to ashes May flames that in secret she keeps Vnchain my soul, my nature deep Knowledge, never to fade away I embraced on that lascivious day 'O Mother of burning secrets Reveal to me all which is veiled Nox Illuminatio Mea! Nox Illuminatio Mea! Scorch and consume now my dying flesh Lead My soul to the crowning darkness Nox Illuminatio Mea! Nox Illuminatio Mea! Bless me with eternal sight Where in dwells the endless night