Honey bee, don't go out alone. Predators are waiting to spring. Stifled, bored, at least you're at home. Oh, no no no. Honey bee, don't go out alone. From afar this phone plea I make I know men, they want your skin They must have and you they shall take. Honey bee, don't go out alone. Honey are you listening? I'll make you stay at home. Can't afford the risk I want us to go on As a sign of my love I've a spy in the clubs So I'll know if you go. I will know. Honey bee, don't go on your own. There are those who'll clip your wings. Chances are you'll never come home. Honey bee, don't go out alone. Honey are you listening? I'll make you stay at home. Can't afford the risk I want us to go on As a sign of my love I've a spy in the clubs So I'll know if you go. I will know. I know men. I know what I'm talking about. One more drink Inside and the claws will come out Darkened hearts will prey On the simple and free Like you and me x3 Honey are you listening? I'll make you stay at home. Can't afford the risk I want us to go on As a sign of my love I've a spy in the clubs So I'll know if you go. I will know.