Don't be afraid! Just move ahead! 遮られた 大地へ Don't look back! Keep on going! 今駆け出 してゆく 永遠に感じ る静寂を切り裂く 叫びに絡みつ く己の哀しみが Don't hesitate! Don't lose your way! 覆され た未来 Don't look back! Keep on going! 今取り 戻す為 刹那の迷いさ え未来を奪いゆく 溢れる怒りも この手に握りしめ I'll fly to the sky on wings of justice Fighting the evil Bringing all peace I'll fly over world on wings of justice Chasing the evil until the honor will rule again Just fight against the traitor Flames rage in my heart こぼれ 落ちそう な想いを乗せて Wielding my sword I face the overwhelming evil 猛る焔 を纏って Let us scream! Just move ahead! 背徳の 大地へ 行く手 を封じる眼前の 脅威さえ 足取り途 切れず薙ぎ倒 し続けて I'll fly to the sky on wings of justice Fighting the evil Bringing all peace I'll fly over world on wings of justice Chasing the evil until the honor will rule again Just fight against the traitor Flames rage in my heart 決して 絶えな い想いを乗せて Wielding my sword I face the overwhelming evil 荒ぶ天 雷の如く I'll fly to the sky on wings of justice Fighting the evil Bringing all peace I'll fly over world on wings of justice Chasing the evil until the honor will rule again Just fight against the traitor Flames rage in my heart こぼれ落ち そうな想い を乗せて Wielding my sword I face the overwhelming evil 哀哭 と心火の 咆哮よ轟け Fight against the traitor Flames rage in my heart 決して絶 えない想 いを乗せて Wielding my sword I face the overwhelming evil 盛り燃え ゆく焔と 天雷の如く この手に 全てを託し振るえ