A tell voice rides upon the wind As it blows Through the forest of our arrayed spears: This fell voice is my killing command... Ten leagues ride as the raven flies Pounding past the fields of demise In shame, neath crossed Samnite pikes Lo! I have returned from my exile... Now those who stand and face me Shall come to know me as death! Now those who turn and flee from me Shall come to know me as revenge! A sword is in my hands, a fire in my eyes - There's hatred in my heart that burns white: A the hour of my wrath you will all fucking die! Called forth from the grave By creed of ancient pride Through your gates I bestride: I have come for your life! I'm coming down as a maelstrom On the bread, black, leathery wings Of a long prophesized armageddon For I am the avenging hand of God! A sword is in my hands, a fire in my eyes - There's hatred in my heart that burns white: At the hour of my wrath you will all fucking die!