I can hear your questions homie is that book reliable? Yes it is the testaments are very verifiable What do you believe in? What do you abide by? Maybe it's a mixture of different stuff tie-dye You boys are all syncretists sinking in your own thoughts The book that I hold to cohesive and never off Say my book carrying lies but it's quite the contrary 66 holy scripts it's more like a library Written by about forty authors in three different languages English is not one of them Greek and Hebrew surely is Inspired and inerrant woah what does that mean? It's from God and without err in absolutely everything Ya it addresses class in session boy I hope you learn something Hear them lies from other guys boy I hope you turn from em Why does it matter though? If the Bible's false or true Matter of fact for your answer that let me caution you Don't play with epistemology homie we need absolutes If there's no such thing as truth then he can do what he want to do She can do what she want to do and can't nobody say nothing If a killer pull them choppers out and feel like spraying something Ain't nobody say it's wrong and we all know that's a lie Somebody outside of us has to speak and rectify That's just what God did in the Christian holy book Why don't you crack it open sit down take a look God has communicated with us man The Bible is the most thoroughly documented work of all antiquity If we can't trust in the Bible we can't trust nothing Let's go Why they give my book a hard time? Especially the new testament? Bi-textural barriers that's utterly irrelevant To the proper understanding and translation of the text Yes with more manuscripts there are more variants But the more the merrier homie this is not a threat This is strong evidence we posses the original text Having these manuscripts different areas different times Yet they all testify to the same text just blows my mind God is so Ain't no words to explain How He preserve His word through desert plains and heavy rains But they trying to tell us that the Bible's been corrected I say they are misinformed and they might as well cut it See flame is bout to get deep and I ain't talking scuba gear I'm talking real scholarly bought to bring some proof in here P 75 codex vaticanus These are two manuscripts from scriptures in the canon And when I say canon I ain't talking bout boom But the collection of books that will function as the rule Back to p 75 it's from the second century The other's from the fourth sorry bout the history 150 years these copies are separated But it's so fascinating how they are so closely related There is no team either controlling the transmission Just God and His Holy Spirit looking out for the Christians