I scan the index time to time 
Slide my finger down, hoping to see life 
From the country we can see the stars 
But they close their eyes to city lights and cars 

It's the song before the calm before the storm 

We hold on till we feel that steady roll 
Shaking hands are letting go 
They slip on but never slip away we hope 
These good intentions clear the road 
Of fallen snow 

I slide my finger through the dust 
That colonized this place that I once loved 
From the inside I could see the stars 
That I left behind for city lights and cars 

I've listened long, I've listened hard, I've listened well 
To things I'll have to learn myself 

Gold dust turns to ashes falling softly at our feet 
Taking the time to dance with ghosts along the way 
Close our eyes tonight and find that we're all closer than we thought 
To being home again in some familiar place