(Suffered I have and Suffer I will... Counting my days in the blood that I spill The sweetest of tortures, that we call Life... Will hopefully cease with the slash of a knife) How can I accept this way? A countdown to the final day Holding by the blade the knife How can I accept my life? The Skeleton beholds our race (for) New faces to deface Grinding our hopes to be Plunged into fire I strive just for anything, anything that could save me from this hell And I dream the most dreadful things, dreadful things, back in mind and wrathful eyes Too late cause the moment has died The Skeleton benights us Broken strings on a harp like The sirens departing with their beautiful songs The Skeleton benights us Overdashing with sorrow the path paved with love and hate My heart is bleeding, bleeding everyday My mind can't stop from dreaming dreadful Death and the suffering How can I deny this way? Forgetting 'bout the final day Why can't I put down the knife? How can I deny my life? The hooded Queen beholds our race (for) New faces to deface Rushing forth the tides of life Into the ocean I strive just for anything, anything that could save me from this hell One day oh will anything, anything come and dry the tears I cry Too late the moment has died The Skeleton benights us Broken strings on a harp like The sirens departing with their beautiful songs The Skeleton benights us Overdashing with sorrow the path paved with love and hate My heart is bleeding, bleeding everyday My mind can't stop from dreaming dreadful Death and the suffering Kneel down to the Death and the suffering The Skeleton benights us Broken strings on a harp like The sirens departing with their beautiful songs The Skeleton benights us Overdashing with sorrow the path paved with love and hate My heart is bleeding, bleeding everyday My mind can't stop from dreaming dreadful Death and the suffering