Don't stop shaking it's my head That makes me want to second guess at a distance. Hoping there's a method to your madness, baby, I might just understand if you obey me. Hold me now, I need assistance. I'd take somebody else if I could. Walking down tree-lined place so pensive in the country, I can't take the voodoo that you do. Just lust easier sussed real love makes me untrue. It's hard to make a stew when the meat keeps looking up at you. So, hold me now, I need assistance. Follow down the path of least resistance. Hold me now, don't keep your distance. I'd take somebody else if I could. Hold me now, I need assistance. Follow down the path of least resistance. Hold me now, do I need a license to hold you? Hold me now, I need assistance. Follow down the path of least resistance. Hold me now, (While I take the time to hurt you)