Amongst the void of infinity Melkor unbalanced derranged... Twisting perverting everything...that was made! As words begin to form - The song of Ilúvatar His music reached out... - To the depths of the Void! Pipes and lutes and harps with strings...Trumpets and viols and organs that bring Countless Choirs...O the Ainúr that sings! Distorted black shape with red glowing eyes The birth of Morgoth - Has arrived! In the cracks of fire in the mountain he looms... Discords of sound...brings dissonant doom!.. Infected malicious behavior In secret Melkor betrays... Captures the light - from-two-lantern-trees Feasting the spiders attack! When the lands began to mourn - Of the saddened Valinor... The turning of tides, Crashes over the shores! As lightning splinters asunder! Off peaks of rocks, crashes thunder! Flashes of light... breaches into the caves! Reptilian skin, with black diamond eyes The birth of the Dragon! Arise! From under the mountain...deep-into-caves! Awaken from wreak hav'ock'ing! Amidst the void of infinity Melkor unbalanced behaves... Twisting perverting everything...that was made! As the world began to form From song of the Ilúvatar Their music reached out... And brought life to the void! When all is of old and grows weary From the black of the void, whence he came... For all who now live will remember, That darkness and death was his name... With his black flapping wings and red glowing eyes! The death of Morgoth! has arrived! His discords of sound...slowly defamed. Back to void...from whence he came.