If I don't sleep, nobody sleeps, code of the street You know my deeds, I sow seeds and I chop trees Keep it straight every day, last dance, bombs away You peolple take a beating Say my name, say my name When you're with me, my heart beats, my heart speaks One mind is loud, two make a crowd, three make a scene We're meant to take the lead so drop the latch key, kids Turn off your TV Say my name, say my name Well I state my case under oath and lie And I shout my truth right at the sky (Whooohoooooooo....) (Look, we got swords for spines, we have diamonds for hearts, we got no destination but we're willing to go there and we are angry! What do they have? They've got nothing! They are nothing! They're nothing but vacant minds living in vacant homes. Let's make a vow, right now! Let's not grow up like them, alright?) Said I state my case under oath and lie And shout my truth right at the sky (Whooohooooo....) And if one day I'll say good-bye I'll leave my mark in the sands of time (Whooohooooooooo...)