The feast is set up Pick up whatever you desire The good together with the bad Superfluous in surplus Don't waste your time in tasting Don't waste forces in chewing up NO! Swallow with dispatch that cud And throttle you up with another draft You killed tastes All because of you because of you because of your voracity A blind bite huge mouth army Yeah A blind bite huge mouth army Assaulting things which mattered, Now turned in free samples The table will be never emptied You educated cooks To offer Continuously new recipes obtained from old and older foods Now tell me how many seconds You spend to judge a song I know how fast you used to figure it out If it takes a long it's wrong You killed tastes All because of you because of you because of your voracity A blind bite huge mouth army Yeah A blind bite huge mouth army Assaulting things which mattered, Now turned in free samples Broadcast yourself, peer to peer yourself, download for free and pile on shelf Give 'em a glance pile 'em on shelf Art turned into dust-covered ornaments Pearls for pigs & Art for free Pearls for pigs & Art for free That's human nature No way to appreciate things without paying them Is purchasing the only act which gives importance? Pearls for pigs & Art for free Now you're overstuffed I slash your stomach So you can lick in the floor Residues of what once was haute cuisine