Wipe the knife and slice through another new head of iceberg I serve more hors d’oeuvres to the trashcan than to any man where I work Waste in this place is a terrible thing to mind, likewise time And I’m sure stacking glasses in the back is a total waste of mine But is it all just as small as it seems to be? It’s obscene what the scenery costs when dreams are free Sundays she makes dates with inmates and reads to each one from books And when their fingers linger under big words they give her dumb looks She believes in Stephen he’s been writing an exciting piece of prose Though only weeks from his release and the police are patting down his clothes But the long way is never the wrong way when it’s homeward To be happy, yeah if you ask me, is only a matter of homework And it’s all in the wrist Care do not I you can words my twist Cause it’s easy, so easy that you might miss When I’m trying to forget that you exist And everything I do seems useless When everywhere I go is an uphill climb Just wanna hear your voice one more time Tell me you don’t miss me too now I swear I’ll never figure you out Why can’t I get the hang of this If the truth fits on a floppy disk and it’s all in the wrist