It is lurking in a repugnant corner of time. His solid throne is rock-hewn, sublime yet it is never where it is assumed. When eyes fall inward, refulgence unfolds illumed. It dissolves ye it is not forsaken, not to be seen, yet it is still there unshaken. It is staring into the core of the abyss. Night after night when its countenance in bliss plunges into moribund memories it conjures the prophetic vision of introversive reveries. Es verschwindet doch verloren ist es nicht, man kann es nicht sehen, doch es ist noch da. To the dormant pneuma paths open up and with veridicality thereness they flood. At the threshold ready yourself, and ensouled respire into gloominess. Lo and behold the passage in which time deliquesces. He who erstwhile was, has never existed. He who once had belongings, never possessed a thing. Completeness is where once something was, yet no more is. Der einst einer war, hat niemals existiert Der einst was hatte, hat niemals besessen Vollkommenheit ist wo einst was war aber nicht mehr ist.