She radiated haute couture Fancy machinery and free literature Yet I knew something was not quite right Disregarding that what was there not to like? Weird times Maximum full blown Weird times Destination unknown Weird times Maximum full blown Weird times Futurism is the loneliest job The meter got to melting, the auditor screamed Your thetan levels are far too extreme! She ran the numbers, there was no mistake You don't belong here, you must be from out of state! Weird times Maximum full blown Weird times Destination unknown Weird times Maximum full blown Weird times Futurism is the loneliest job I'm in the mood for technological innovation The likes of which humanity has never seen I'm in the mood for big time cosmic revelation The likes of which would make you think more highly of me Weird times Maximum full blown Weird times Destination unknown Weird times Maximum full blown Weird times Futurism is the loneliest job Weird times Maximum full blown Weird times Destination unknown Weird times Maximum full blown Weird times Futurism is the loneliest job