Cledus went down to Florida, he was lookin' for a car to steal He was in a bind, ten payments behind, so the bank reposed his wheels When he came across this old man down at Jalopy's Used Car Lot Then Cledus jumped up on the top of one and said "Feller, let me tell ya what, now I'm not gonna be proud of the deed I'm 'bout to do, well, no time to spare, I gotta be somewhere So I'm gonna steal a car from you, now I've seen you're selection here And I admit the pickings are few I know the Pintos gold But consider it stoled 'cause I got a show to do" The man said, "My name's Jalopy" As he gave an evil grin 'Cause he knew that car wouldn't get too far For the motor blew up again Cledus you better hit the road if you're gonna be a star The shows way up in Georgia, and you're opening up for Garth You're future's ridin' on this shiny Pinto painted gold And if you're late it's Jeff Foxworthy's show Oh gosh, a Pinto my foot It drives more like a horse and buggy, dern Cledus said, "No way in heck he's gonna open up that show" Then fire flew from the manifold as his right front tire blowed Then he pushed that wreck across the street, 'n man was Cledus tissed And he tried 'n tried to start 'er up, but it sounded somethin' like this Come on, come on, oh gosh, I'm in a mess What am I gonna do? My one big shot for Garth Brooks Oh dern it When Cledus opened up the hood He said, "I'll be a son of a gun" And it didn't take long to figure out Why the heck it wouldn't run Fire from the engine, lots of smoke He can already hear them redneck jokes Dad blamed oil pan layin' in the road Will he make the show? Heck no, heck no Taxi, Greyhound, yeller cab, somebody I'll show him a redneck He'll have a red neck When I get my hands around his throat I'm sick of it Cledus shook his head as he watched Foxworthy's show And he heard him joke of how he passed a burnin' old Pinto Then later on, Garth told Cledus, "You'll never get the chance again" As he gave the check to that derned redneck Who drove a Mercedes Benz He said, "Tough break big guy before I go Would ya like to hear another redneck joke? Did you know I got my own TV show?" Well, does anybody watch it? No, heck no Well, you might be a redneck If your momma and daddy catches ya out behind the barn Whippin' Jeff Foxworthy for talkin' about rednecks all time Ah shoot, I'm just kiddin' Jeff I wished I could be your best friend Do you like me? I'd love to be on your TV show Come here to me