CHAPTER ONE agonizing global blinding has come in full suffocate the remaining percent subtract all is expendable a thousand points of heat bacteria son of disease mourning breath ammonia thirst quenching leach tapping the network of veins genetic harvest in vain licking the wounds uncontrollably systems of gain sour heart reeks casualties CHAPTER TWO all the bread has molded fungus dwells inside multiple estimates convincing with their graphic pride the mask that suffocates bleeds in me all is to believe but we are pawns poisoned in quantities the arsenic hysteria like fleas on a dog irritating this microwave insomnia no strength no heart no option blugeoned with diversions concentrated dose exterminate the addiction high vantage point chlorine infliction death no microchip shall rest underneath my flesh i`d prefer the obstacles of death i will fill the tombs worthy of consequence CHAPTER THREE epileptic cancer causing agents starved lack of nutrition will you live this life on calloused knees? neck broken in? particles of mass deception forced in corrosive sting stall the all seeing eye sees all the most relevant faction foundations fractured economic death sarcastic devotion runs in excess sew my lips and burn my opened eyes one soul divine the engines are running mind altering the most vile of things man has ever seen inspiring to know all these admiring my eyes are leaking viciously dissecting the harsh anatomy