as I grow up a group of fiends are all I need and 7 piles of wood so I can succeed so no more cold stares, enough bad vibes let's see some smiling faces, it's good to be alive rat pack, we can be one! rat pack, having fun! rat pack, a scene wide crew! rat pack, for me and you! rat pack, so more tudes! rat pack, we're brothers dude! rat pack, it's been a while! rat pack, since I've seen you smile! this isn't society, this is me not a thought put in my head but something I believe that we can all be one by a sacret bond skating without heart you'll never progress living without passion you'll only regress so grab your board and sing with me gleam the f**kin' cube if you want to be free! skating in a tight line, let's drink some cokes and have a good time kick in windows and busting heads f**k with us and you'll be dead it's time the good times had begun it's time that this song had been sung