Coffee on the floor, Listen to the water boil. Screaming on the phone, Trying to make somebody call. Jumping off the roof, Maybe I'll survive again. Staring at the sun, Waiting for the world to end.. Oh...Love is the hardest Oh...Love is a mess I know it's all my fault I just don't love anymore, anymore. The devil's on the porch, Drinking with the radio. Angel at the door, I don't let her in no more. If I had a chance, Maybe I'd forgive myself and If I had a heart, I'd give it to somebody else. Oh...Love is the hardest Oh...Love is a mess I know it's all my fault I just don't love anymore, anymore. I could say I'm sorry, but My heart don't feel a thing. Love an ugly story it's the hardest thing Oh...Love is the hardest Oh...Love is a mess I know it's all my fault I just don't love anymore, anymore. Love is the hardest Part..