I hate watching all these extinct portraits,
Where everyone is crying!
It’s like a weird mirror which curves our faces and covers them by ash.
Abnormal physical characteristics – mouthless are deaf and mindless are blind

Where are the words, which should cover that noise?
Where are the thoughts, which should hide my fear?
I want to dive
I want to dive deep

Abnormal physical characteristics – mouthless are deaf and mindless are blind
I enjoy living these visions of cleansing the culture of degeneracy

Where are the words, which should cover that noise?
Where are the thoughts, which should hide my fear?
I want to dive
I want to dive deep

Quiet reflections of nights and drops are breaking itself
Quiet beautiful voices are walking through our minds
Beautifully quieting..
They’re helping me beautifully quieting

Perceiving the rudeness
Hiding my tears
Turn on the pilgrimage of our own subversions..