The radiant ecstasy of being
The golden corona of suffering
Light from the depths
Coal-black unrefracted truth

Zoharic bidden glow
Collapsing of the hearts temple
Deeper night revealed
From amidst the storm-clouds
Starless ecstasy
Bliss of being

When the All is torn apart
Eyes vitreum pours out
The truth punctured
Overcome at last

The secret of love
Fullfilled in hate

Zoharic bidden glow
Collapsing of the hearts temple
Deeper night revealed
From amidst the storm-clouds
Starless ecstasy
Bliss of being

Ihminen kahden kuilun välissä
Jähmettyen kuoleman hetkeen
Musta huuto
Alas kosmoksen sammuneeseen sieluun