Worthless drunk loser 
Withdrawn on his own misery 
Hater of mankind 
Despised any help to his suffering 
Neglected by society 
Left apart by his own family 
He even enjoys his state 
Eating shit and sleeping on the streets 

Now he feels that he's totally free 
To unleash his own perversity 
And be what he wished to be 
A despicable human being 

Uncontrollable homeless necrophile 
Aggressive homeless necrophile 
Abominable homeless necrophile 
Psychopath homeless necrophile 

Creating his own living rules 
Nobody's gonna tell him what to do 
No room for conscience or morality 
Only the strongest will survive 

Always struggling with other homeless 
For no reason 
With a knife in his pocket waiting for revenge 
But once he tasted the power of killing he couldn't resist 
Then he felt he had to kill and kill and kill: 

A simple argument 
Was enough to slay any man 
And when the victim was a she 
Then he had to free his sexuality 
Necrophilia was 
His fave act of brutality 
A cold and frigid corpse 
No screams, no face and obedience 

Now he feels that he's totally free 
To unleash his own perversity 
And be what he wished to be 
A despicable human being 

Uncontrollable homeless necrophile 
Aggressive homeless necrophile 
Abominable homeless necrophile 
Psychopath homeless necrophile