The void rules here below 
Continuously feeding the black mass
No time to learn, no time to think
That's how they spread wickedness
Fooling the perception of reality
No time to digest, no time to elaborate

Quelle tristesse de contempler le règne absolu de la médiocrité 
Scélérats et saltimbanques sont adulés ici comme des rois
Quelle pauvre humanité, chaque jour toujours plus décadente 
Portant au plus profond de son cœur le culte de la bêtise crasse

See them defend falsehood by clinging to their beliefs
Their will is to erase culture by promoting idiocy
Watch them mix craftily lies and truth to feign consistency 
Yet, remember that clothes do not make the man

Toujours plus bas
Au plus proche de l'abîme 
Toujours plus rance
Vomisseurs de vide

See them distort the truth by sticking to their guns
Their will is to wreck progress by promoting absurdity
Watch them manipulate and corrupt to feign harmony
Yet, remember that clothes do not make the man

Toujours plus bas
Au plus proche de l'abîme 
Toujours plus rance
Vomisseurs de vide

Let chaos come to them, let the vengeful flames decimate
Watch them struggle, enjoy their unavoidable doom
Selfish and arrogant, pride cometh before their fall

Be the director of their extinction, be truly helpful here below!
Push the survivors into the pit, relish their moaning and ordeal
Invite their relatives to contemplate, transform this into an exhibition 
Place them in the front row seats, give them a nibble to gnaw
Make an example of them, capture the grandeur of their end

Moqué, bousculé et humilié, c'est ainsi que doit être traité l'imposteur
Exilé, isolé et sali, tel est le sort réservé au manipulateur
Suspendu à une corde, telle est la destinée de l'affabulateur
Au milieu de la fausse sceptique, reposera l'infecte dépouille du délateur