Ain't nobody gonna turn me around no more Ain't nobody gonna turn me around Well I've learned my lesson and now I see Love ain't the thing for me Ain't nobody gonna turn me around Turn me around, turn me around, turn me around Ain't nobody gonna talk sweet talk to me Ain't nobody gonna tell me how sweet your love can be I'm gonna take my love and put in on the shelf Ain't gonna give it to nobody else Ain't nobody who's gonna turn me around Turn me around, turn me around, turn me around Love you've been so doggone mean You shattered every one of my dreams You know I can't love nobody else But still you left me here all by myself You turned me around You turned me around You turned me around You turned me around I learned my lesson and now I see Love ain't the thing for me Ain't nobody who's gonna turn me around Turn me around, turn me around, turn me around Love, you've been so doggone mean Love, you shattered every one of my dreams You turned me around, turn around You turned me around, turn around