
The Legendary Pink Dots

Seven seas he sailed on with cannons blazing in the 
night. He had shiny medals for his eyes in kryptonite 
(with lasers!) . With every nail he hammered came the 
rush of flying hands. They pasted flyers and planted 
flags and we watched him hover higher? higher. Cruifix 
and lyrics. Holy holy sensurround? Lord, he never touched 
the ground. From state to state he wandered. He could 
have been the boy next door. You could feel the patriotic 
roar come pouring through the cracks of our existence. He 
took the fear away with whitewash and scorched earth. 
Majorettes and cool disciples, cigarettes and red hot 
bibles. And the buses ran on time. Slaves of Kali Hari-
karied on bayonets in poison ivy. We raised the torch of 
freedom. Can you see? Can you see? This is for all the 
girls he never had and all the boys who stood and laughed 
and all the dopes and all the dealers, the peelers, 
sheilas, feelers, squealers, come? watch me fall, watch 
me drown? I'm kneeling in your mirror. See me cower in 
the corner of your room. Watch me desecrate the contents 
of your tomb.