A Velvet Resurrection

The Legendary Pink Dots

I want to believe in the nobility of the human spirit. I 
want to believe that mankind is essentially good and that 
the horror I see and the horrors I hear about are simply 
the last crisis of a dying spectre that has haunted our 
fragile globe for just to long. I want to believe that we 
are about to peel off the mask with which this spiteful 
god has been frightening us. I want to believe that we 
will not dance on his defeated rotting body for that 
would grant him victory in death. I want to believe that 
we will peel away the masks with which we frighten each 
other. I want to believe that no new spectre will replace 
the one that died and that we can stand alone and respect 
one another love one another? respect and cherish life in 
all its shapes and sizes while continuing to evolve. I 
want to believe that mankind will never be too arrogant 
to abandon it's quest for the ultimate answer. I want to 
believe that even I could answer this question. I want to 
believe all of these things? But you caught me at a bad 
moment and I can't.