Empty Bed

The Good Life

Out a little late aren't you?
What's out there I don't give you?
Don't I drink and sleep with you?
What you want you'll never get-
what you want is infinite.
You'll never get your fill of it.

So again you drink 
and you grind your teeth.
Gnashing at the bit 
of this emptiness
you can't swallow down.
It echoes in your 

the words keep bounding out

Up a little late aren't you?
You let an empty bed scare you.
Still I drink and sleep with you.

Standing up to stay awake,
you start to blink you start to sway.
Blacking out another day.

So again you sleep 
and you grind your teeth.
On the kitchen floor 
you can't feel a thing - 
that's what you perfer - yeah,
you found a cure for it.
And again you wake
from a drunken sleep.
make some promises 
you know you'll never keep - 
but at least you try.
Or at least you try to 