
The Beautiful South

 And I think that I wish I was virgin
 And I smile and I think of you
 And my first, very first entry
 Clumsy and romantic
 My special mix in you
 Clumsy like the first step
 Clumsy like the first conker off the tree
 And romantic, like the wind that cuts your hair
 And romantic, like the glass that holds your drink
 Clumsy and romantic
 My special mix in you

 And I think that I wish I was young
 And I smile and I think of you
 And my first, very first true kiss
 Defensive and so coy
 Defensive like the jacket that holds your weight
 Defensive like the hat that holds you hair
 And coy like the first kiss, the kiss that first made you coy
 And coy like the tears, the tears that made you coy

 So gentle, so gentle it made you strong
 It made you strong, like the first kiss
 Clumsy and romantic, so gentle it made you strong
 Clumsy and romantic, the kiss that made you strong