

I know that you are worth waiting for
 But I don't have the time
 I've been waiting for years already
 But that didn't make you mine

 My clock is ticking faster
 Than I ever thought it would
 So I can't wait for your love
 God knows I wish I could

 Right there in the mist before me
 I see its ghostly scheme
 Stretching cast-iron fingers
 Upon a blood-red stream

 This bridge has been the hope of many
 For just as many it has been the end
 Now I'm the next in line to lay my life
 Faithfully into this hand

 I know that you are worth waiting for
 But I don't have the time
 I've been waiting for years already
 But that didn't make you mine

 My clock is ticking faster
 Than I ever thought it would
 So I can't wait for your love
 God knows I wish I could

 There's a bridge ahead that spans a river wide
 If you don't dare the walk, you won't reach my side

 If you walk that bridge, the bridge may break
 But that's a risk that you will have to take

 If it breaks, the river takes you in
 And a whole new journey will begin

 There's a secret down in that river deep
 But those who find it don't come back to speak