Sick and Tired


Sick and tired of the daily drudge
Swallowed within the mires of cynicism,
Chaos has become me
A constant urgency, tearing through,
Unsettles the nerves
Time flashes by unnoticed.
Until all stops
And time crashes to a halt
Weariness catches me as I emerge from the first real slumber
Procrastination begins,
And the dark clouds come rolling in
Claustrophobic, suffocating in this never ending struggle
With this endless weight, tied
Like an albatross around my neck,
It never relents
I exist only for the sake of existence
Paralysed with apathy, the mind filled with dread.
Struggling to raise enough will to move from slumber
Eyes still red, heavy with poison
This is not living, but waiting for death.
This is not breathing, but suffocating under a glut of despots
Sentiment is lost in a time that knows only greed.