Van She akordy a texty písní
- Sex City
- So High
- Virgin Suicide
- A Sharp Knife
- Changes
- Cat & The Eye
- It Could Be The Same
- Kelly
- Strangers
- Sarah
- We Move On
- The Sea
- Temps Mort
- Tears
- Talkin'
- Survive
- Mission
- Radio Waves II
- Radio Waves I
- Beat Of The Drum
- Memory Man
- Kelly Reprise
- Jamaica
- Idea Of Happiness - Original
- Idea Of Happiness
- Here With You
- Coconuts
- Calypso
- You're My Rescue
- T A Sharp Knife
- Beat Of The Drum
- Calypso
- T Cat & The Eye
- Coconuts
- Here With You
- T Changes
- Idea Of Happiness
- Idea Of Happiness - Original
- T It Could Be The Same
- Jamaica
- T Kelly
- Kelly Reprise
- Memory Man
- Mission
- Radio Waves I
- Radio Waves II
- Sarah
- T Sex City
- T So High
- T Strangers
- Survive
- Talkin'
- Tears
- Temps Mort
- The Sea
- T Virgin Suicide
- We Move On
- You're My Rescue
Idea Of Happiness
- 1 Idea Of Happiness - Original
- 2 Calypso
- 3 Jamaica
- 4 Sarah
- 5 Radio Waves I
- 6 You're My Rescue
- 7 Tears
- 8 Coconuts
- 9 Beat Of The Drum
- 10 Radio Waves II
- 11 We Move On
Idea Of Happiness
- 1 Sarah
- 5 Jamaica
- 1 Memory Man
- 2 Cat & The Eye
- 3 Changes
- 4 Strangers
- 5 It Could Be The Same
- 6 The Sea
- 7 Virgin Suicide
- 8 Temps Mort
- 9 Talkin'
- 10 Kelly
- 11 So High
- 12 A Sharp Knife
Van She
- 1 Mission
- 2 Kelly
- 3 Sex City
- 4 Survive
- 5 Kelly Reprise
- 6 Here With You