Unshine akordy a texty písní
- On the Broken Line
- The Paradise Lost
- Snow White
- Forget Me Not
- Gathering Of The Kindred Spirits
- Rowena's Song
- Animal Spirit
- The Seer Of Sights
- With the Silents of the Earth
- Catherine His Beloved
- Patron Saint
- For The Huntress And The Moon
- Deadweight
- The Last Moment
- Inner Fray
- Not For Me
- Suo (Kantaa Ruumiit)
- Supergirl
- The Blood of Ardennes
- The Forest
- Ategenos (At the Death of Winter)
- The Masks of Enchantment
- The Oath to Wilderness of Unredeemed Nature
- Awen
- Arduinna
- Their Horses Never Touch the Ground
- Visionary's Last Breath
- Washer At The Ford
- Spellbinder
- Defender of His Faith
- T Animal Spirit
- Animal Spirits
- Arduinna
- Ategenos (At the Death of Winter)
- Awen
- Birch of Fornjotr
- Bone Fires
- T Catherine His Beloved
- T Deadweight
- Defender of His Faith
- Druids Are A-Coming
- T For The Huntress And The Moon
- T Forget Me Not
- T Gathering Of The Kindred Spirits
- T Heaven
- Idyl
- Ikuinen Taistelu
- T In Green Darkness
- T Inner Fray
- Jack's Feast
- Kainuun Kuningas
- T Luminaries
- T My King
- Nadja's Wailing About Coming of the Frost
- T Not For Me
- T On the Broken Line
- Pan the One
- T Patron Saint
- T Rowena's Song
- Slow Moving Creatures
- T Snow White
- Spellbinder
- Suo (Kantaa Ruumiit)
- T Supergirl
- The Blood of Ardennes
- The Forest
- T The Last Moment
- The Masks of Enchantment
- The Oath to Wilderness of Unredeemed Nature
- T The Paradise Lost
- T The Seer Of Sights
- Their Horses Never Touch the Ground
- Visionary's Last Breath
- T Washer At The Ford
- T With the Silents of the Earth
Dark Half Rising
The Enigma of Immortals
Animal Spirit
Earth magick
Rowena's Song
On The Broken Line