Unearth akordy a texty písní
- The Chosen
- Impostors Kingdom
- Unstoppable
- Overcome
- Sanctity of Brothers
- Last Wish
- Disillusion
- The Great Dividers
- One Step Away
- Monition
- Letting Go
- Failure
- Watch It Burn
- Bled Dry
- Burial Lines
- This Time was Mine
- Never Cease
- Lifetime in Ruins
- Birth of a Legion
- One Step Away (live)
- The Swarm
- Black Hearts now Reign
- My Will Be Done
- Aries
- Internal War (live)
- To the Ground
- Intro
- Shadows in the Light
- Fuel the Fire (live)
- Internal War
- T Aries
- T Arise the War Cry
- Big Bear and the Hour of Chaos
- T Birth of a Legion
- T Black Hearts now Reign
- T Bled Dry
- T Bloodlust of the Human Condition
- T Burial Lines
- T Call to Judgement
- T Coming of the Dark
- T Convictions
- T Crow Killer
- T Cutman
- T Disillusion
- T Endless
- T Equinox
- T Eyes of Black
- T Failure
- T False Idols
- T From the Tombs of Five Below
- T Fuel the Fire
- Fuel the Fire (live)
- T Giles
- T Grave Of Opportunity
- T Guards of Contagion
- T Hail The Shrine
- T Impostors Kingdom
- T Internal War
- Internal War (live)
- Intro
- T Last Wish
- T Lefty
- T Letting Go
- T Lie to Purify
- T Lifetime in Ruins
- T March of the Mutes
- T Monition
- T My Desire
- T My Heart Bleeds No Longer
- My Heart Bleeds No Longer (live)
- T My Will Be Done
- T Never Cease
- T One Step Away
- One Step Away (live)
- T Only the People
- Only the People (live)
- T Overcome
- T Predetermined Sky
- T Ruination of the Lost
- T Sanctity of Brothers
- T Shadows in the Light
- T Shattered by the Sun
- T So It Goes
- T Stings of Conscience
- T Stronghold
- T The Devil has Risen
- T The Fallen
- T The Great Dividers
- T The Charm
- T The Chosen
- T The March
- The Oncoming Storm
- The Stings of Conscience
- T The Swarm
- T This Glorious Nightmare
- T This Lying World
- T This Time was Mine
- T To the Ground
- T Trail to Fire
- T Truth Or Consequence
- T Unstoppable
- T Vanishment
- T Watch It Burn
- T Watchers of Rule
- T We Are Not Anonymous
- T Zombie Autopilot
Watchers of Rule
Darkness in the Light
The March
III: In the Eyes of Fire
Our Days of Eulogy
The Oncoming Storm
The Stings of Conscience
Above the Fall of Man