Uh Huh Her akordy a texty písní
- Time Stands Still
- Another Case
- Say So
- Nuthin Without Your Love
- Wait Another Day
- Not A Love Song
- Dance With Me
- Same High
- Mystery Lights
- Bullet
- Never The Same
- Wake To Sleep
- Debris
- Away From Here
- Fascination
- Run
- Everyone
- Interconnect
- Criminal
- Fine Lines White Lies
- Covered
- Time
- Hustle Me
- Philosophy
- Innocence
- Explode
- I See Red
- Strange Design
- Black and Blue
- Dreamer
- T Another Case
- T Away From Here
- T Black and Blue
- T Bullet
- T Common Reaction
- T Covered
- T Criminal
- T Dance With Me
- T Darkness Is
- T Debris
- T Disdain
- T Dreamer
- T Everyone
- T Explode
- T Fascination
- T Fine Lines White Lies
- T Human Nature
- T Hustle Me
- T I See Red
- I've Had Enough
- T I’ve Had Enough
- T Innocence
- T Interconnect
- T It's Chemical
- T Many Colors
- T Marstorm
- T Mystery Lights
- T Never The Same
- T No Sacrifice
- T Not A Love Song
- T Nuthin Without Your Love
- T Philosophy
- T Run
- T Same High
- T Say So
- T Shiiine
- T So Long
- T Strange Design
- T Time
- T Time Stands Still
- T Wait Another Day
- T Wake To Sleep
Future Souls
- 1 Innocence
- 2 It's Chemical
- 3 Time
- 4 Shiiine
- 5 Bullet
- 6 Strange Design
- 7 Nuthin Without Your Love
- 8 Fine Lines White Lies
- 9 Hustle Me
- 10 Interconnect
- 1 Marstorm
- 2 Another Case
- 3 Disdain
- 4 Wake To Sleep
- 5 Human Nature
- 6 Many Colors
- 7 Debris
- 8 Criminal
- 9 Same High
- 10 Darkness Is
- 11 Time Stands Still
Black and Blue
Common Reaction
- 2 Explode
- 3 Wait Another Day
- 4 Common Reaction
- 5 Say So
- 6 Covered
- 7 Everyone
- 8 Away From Here
- 9 So Long
- 10 Dance With Me
- 11 Dreamer
- 12 Not A Love Song
I See Red
- 2 Explode
- 3 Run
- 4 I See Red
- 5 Say So
- 6 Mystery Lights