This or the Apocalypse akordy a texty písní
- In Wolves
- Geist
- Gaunt And Fierce
- Subverse
- Hard Branch To Snap
- We Are Debt
- Toro
- A Damn Moment
- No Horizons
- Monuments
- Americans
- Lamnidae
- Deadringer
- Hate The Ones You Love
- Memento Mori
- Revenant
- You Own No One But You
- Power Hawk
- The Polymath
- Mauna Kea
- The Incoherent
- Hayseed
- Kill 'em With Guidance
- Hell Praiser
- Hellish
- Charmer
- Architeuthis
- Elegiac
- Two Wars
- Backlit
- T A Damn Moment
- T Americans
- T Architeuthis
- T Backlit
- Bears In The Gala!
- T Deadringer
- T Elegiac
- Find A Bigger Ship
- Fisheye
- T Gaunt And Fierce
- T Geist
- Happy Hour: The Aftermath
- T Hard Branch To Snap
- T Hate The Ones You Love
- T Hayseed
- T Hell Praiser
- T Hellish
- T Charmer
- I Punched A Dinosaur In The Head
- T In Wolves
- T Kill 'em With Guidance
- T Lamnidae
- Manua Kea
- T Mauna Kea
- T Memento Mori
- T Monuments
- T No Horizons
- Oh, That's Just Some Rope Moving Around
- T Power Hawk
- Powerhawk
- T Revenant
- Russia
- Sierre Leonne
- T Subverse
- Sundowning
- T The Incoherent
- T The Polymath
- T Toro
- Tourettes
- T Two Wars
- T We Are Debt
- T You Own No One But You
- Yuletime Hibachi
Dead Years
In Wolves
Haunt What's Left
- 1 Charmer
- 2 Subverse
- 3 The Incoherent
- 4 Lamnidae
- 5 Hellish
- 6 Toro
- 7 Backlit
- 8 Hayseed
- 9 Deadringer
- 10 Revenant
- 1 No Horizons
- 2 Monuments
- 3 Two Wars
- 4 We Are Debt
- 5 Geist
- 6 Architeuthis
- 7 The Polymath
- 8 Memento Mori
- 9 Manua Kea
- 10 Elegiac