The Used akordy a texty písní
- I Caught Fire
- Tunnel
- The Lighthouse
- On the Cross
- Blue and Yellow
- Big, Wanna Be
- Sold My Soul
- The Lottery
- Choke Me
- Getting Over You
- My Pesticide
- Let It Bleed
- Blow Me
- My Cocoon
- El-Oh-Vee-Ee
- Pain
- Cathedral Bell
- Hard to Say
- On My Own
- Take It Away
- Slit Your Own Throat
- Sick Hearts
- Kissing You Goodbye
- Pretty Handsome Awkward
- Heartwork
- Overdose
- Moon-Dream
- Smother Me
- Iddy Biddy
- Dark Days
- T 1984
- T A Box Full of Sharp Objects
- T A Song to Stifle Imperial Progression (A Work in Progress)
- T About You (No Songs Left to Sing)
- T All That I've Got
- T Alone This Holiday
- T Back of Your Mouth
- T Big, Wanna Be
- T Blood on My Hands
- T Bloody Nose
- T Blow Me
- T Blue and Yellow
- T Born to Quit
- T Broken Windows
- T Bulimic
- T Buried Myself Alive
- T Cathedral Bell
- T Clean Cut Heals
- T Cold War Telescreen
- T Come Undone
- T Cry
- T Cut Up Angels
- T Dark Days
- T Darkness Bleeds, FOTF
- T Devil Beside You
- T Earthquake
- T El-Oh-Vee-Ee
- T Empty with You
- T Evolution
- T Find a Way
- T For You
- T Force Without Violence
- T Funeral Post
- T Generation Throwaway
- T Getting Over You
- T Give Me Love
- T Gravity's Rainbow
- T Greener with the Scenery
- T Hands and Faces
- T Hard to Say
- T Heartwork
- T Hospital
- T Hurt No One
- T Choke Me
- T I Caught Fire
- T I Come Alive
- T I'm a Fake
- T Iddy Biddy
- T Imaginary Enemy
- T Into My Web
- T It Could be a Good Excuse
- T Just a Little
- T Kenna Song
- T Kiss It Goodbye
- T Kissing You Goodbye
- T Let It Bleed
- T Liar Liar (Burn in Hell)
- Liar Liar [Burn In Hell]
- T Light with a Sharpened Edge
- T Listening
- T Lunacy Fringe
- T Make Believe
- T Maybe Memories
- T Meant to Die
- T Men Are All the Same
- T Moon-Dream
- T Moving On
- T Moving the Mountain (Odysseus Surrenders)
- T My Cocoon
- T My Pesticide
- T Noise and Kisses
- T Now That You're Dead
- T Obvious Blasé
- T On My Own
- T On the Cross
- T Over and Over Again
- T Overdose
- T Pain
- T Paradise Lost, a poem by John Milton
- T Paralyzed
- T Pieces Mended
- T Poetic Tragedy
- T Pretty Handsome Awkward
- T Pretty Picture
- T Put Me Out
- T Quixotica
- T Revolution
- T Rise Up Lights
- T Say Days Ago
- T Selfies in Aleppo
- T Shine
- T Sick Hearts
- T Slit Your Own Throat
- T Smother Me
- T Sold My Soul
- Sometimes I Just Go for It
- T Sound Effects and Overdramatics
- T Sun Comes Up
- T Take It Away
- Tethys
- T The Best of Me
- T The Bird and the Worm
- T The Divine Absence (This Is Water)
- the Henry Fonda Music Box Theatre
- T The Lighthouse
- T The Lottery
- T The Mouth of the Canyon
- T The Nexus
- T The Ocean of the Sky
- T The Quiet War
- T The Ripper
- T The Taste of Ink
- T This Fire
- T Thought Criminal
- T To Feel Something
- T Together Burning Bright
- T Tunnel
- T Upper Falls
- T Vertigo Cave
- T Wake the Dead
- T Watered Down
- T With Me Tonight
- T Wow, I Hate This Song
- T Yesterday's Feelings
- T Zero Mechanism
The Canyon
- 1 For You
- 2 Cold War Telescreen
- 3 Broken Windows
- 4 Rise Up Lights
- 5 Vertigo Cave
- 6 Pretty Picture
- 7 Funeral Post
- 8 Upper Falls
- 9 The Divine Absence (This Is Water)
- 10 Selfies in Aleppo
- 11 Moving the Mountain (Odysseus Surrenders)
- 12 Over and Over Again
- 13 The Quiet War
- 14 Moon-Dream
- 15 The Nexus
- 16 About You (No Songs Left to Sing)
- 17 The Mouth of the Canyon
Imaginary Enemy
- 1 Cry
The Ocean of the Sky
I Come Alive
Blood on My Hands
Shallow Believer
Lies for the Liars
Liar Liar (Burn in Hell)
Pretty Handsome Awkward
The Bird and the Worm
I Caught Fire
In Love and Death
All That I've Got
Take It Away
Maybe Memories
The Taste of Ink
The Used