Blood Vaults (II - Our Despots Cleanse the Levant)

The Ruins of Beverast

Our bluster and catapults shatter the holy Holy Lands
 Blessed with a warm psalm of apostolic propaganda
 That captures our hearts
 Between insurmountable city walls and sanctified sodomy
 Outremer... Four flags are flown without a triumph!
 As we forfeited our North to some cryptic enemies
 Reinterpret now the sermon to attack dispensable allies
 Let o thy imperial command be a battle cry to the occident
 Suspicious we are, yet so spiritually armed
 O dreadful bereavement!
 This carnage in your honour, and against an impure Palestine...
 Under siege... Bless your blood, Franconian cannibals!
 Catholic conqueroar ascends in Latin harbours
 Old manoeuvres now misled and undermined
 An eye for an eye
 Feast upon heretical gore and orthodox cannon fodder
 Crusaders... Raise the Golden Horn to the conflagration ahead!
 O majestic ironhand of doom
 Have you received our immolation?
 Let our deeds bequeath a martial dogma to our descendants:
 Our despots cleanse(d) the Levant!