The Psycho Realm akordy a texty písní
- All Along the Watchtower
- The Big Payback
- Lost Cities
- Pico-Union District
- La Conecta
- False Prophets
- Who Are You Interlude/Bullets
- Temporary Insanity
- Psyclones
- Interlude/Stone Garden/Interlude
- Needful Things
- Doors Intro/Confessions of a Drug Addict
- Love Letters Intro/Love from the Sick Side
- La Conecta Intro/La Conecta
- R.U. Experienced/Outro
- Psycho City Blocks/Psycho Interlude
- Premonitions
- Showdown
- Forget the Faces
- All Along the Watchtower
- Doors Intro/Confessions of a Drug Addict
- False Prophets
- Forget the Faces
- Interlude/Stone Garden/Interlude
- T La Conecta
- La Conecta Intro/La Conecta
- T Lost Cities
- Love Letters Intro/Love from the Sick Side
- Needful Things
- T Pico-Union District
- T Premonitions
- T Psyclones
- Psycho City Blocks/Psycho Interlude
- R.U. Experienced/Outro
- T Showdown
- T Temporary Insanity
- T The Big Payback
- Who Are You Interlude/Bullets
A War Story Book II
A War Story Book I
The Psycho Realm
- 1 Psycho City Blocks/Psycho Interlude
- 2 Showdown
- 3 The Big Payback
- 4 Premonitions
- 5 Interlude/Stone Garden/Interlude
- 6 Temporary Insanity
- 7 Doors Intro/Confessions of a Drug Addict
- 8 Who Are You Interlude/Bullets
- 9 Love Letters Intro/Love from the Sick Side
- 10 R.U. Experienced/Outro
- 11 Psyclones
- 12 Lost Cities
- 13 La Conecta Intro/La Conecta
- 14 La Conecta