The Phoenix Foundation akordy a texty písní
- Damn The River
- Through The Woods
- Give Up Your Dreams
- Cars Of Eden
- All In An Afternoon
- Wildlife
- Let Me Die A Woman
- Going Fishing
- Celebrate!
- Morning Pages
- Bitte Bitte
- 40 Years
- Pure Joy
- Sally
- Race Day
- Real Pig
- Sea World
- Prawn
- Pavlov’s Pavlova
- Pot
- Playing Dead
- Silent Orb
- Party Below
- Orange & Mango
- One Million Rainbows
- Omerta
- No One Will Believe Me When I'm Dead
- Nest Egg
- Sideways Glance
- Slumber Party
- 40 Years
- A Day in the Sun
- T All In An Afternoon
- Anything Everything Done
- Asswipe
- Bailey's Beach
- T Bitte Bitte
- Black Mould
- Bleaching Sun
- Bob Lennon John Dylan
- Bright Grey
- Bruiser
- Bruiser - Miami 4000
- Buffalo
- Burning Wreck
- T Cars Of Eden
- T Celebrate!
- Celestial Bodies
- Corale
- T Damn The River
- Danzig Bro
- Decision Dollars
- Dickheads Abound
- Easter
- Eventually
- Everybody's Money
- Evolution Did
- Fiscal Pickle
- Flock of Hearts
- Forget It
- Former Glory
- Friendly Society
- Gandalf
- T Give Up Your Dreams
- T Going Fishing
- Golden Ship
- Guru
- Hitchcock
- Hounds Of Hell
- Inside Me Dead
- Irrelevant Noise
- Jason
- Lambs
- Landline
- T Let Me Die A Woman
- Merry Kriskmass
- Middle Dream
- Miserable Meal
- Modern Rock
- T Morning Pages
- Morning Riff
- Mountain
- My Kitchen Rules
- Myre Bucolic
- Myth
- Nest Egg
- No One Will Believe Me When I'm Dead
- Omerta
- One Million Rainbows
- Orange & Mango
- Party Below
- Pavlov’s Pavlova
- Playing Dead
- Pot
- Prawn
- Pure Joy
- Race Day
- Real Pig
- Sally
- Sea World
- Sideways Glance
- Silent Orb
- Sister Risk
- Skeleton
- Slightest Shift in the Weather
- Slumber Party
- St Kevin
- Sunbed
- Supernatural
- Thames Soup
- The Captain
- The Krisk
- The Man Next Door
- The Posh Tiger
- The Swarm
- This Charming Van
- T Through The Woods
- Tranquility
- Transit Of Venus
- Trem Sketch
- Twilight
- Walls
- Wave Machine
- T Wildlife
- Wonton
- Wrestling with Demons
Horse Power
Friend Ship
Buffalo - 10 Year Anniversary Edition
- 1 Eventually
- 2 Buffalo
- 3 Flock of Hearts
- 4 Pot
- 5 Bitte Bitte
- 6 Skeleton
- 7 Orange & Mango
- 8 Bailey's Beach
- 9 Wonton
- 10 Golden Ship
- 11 Middle Dream
- 12 Dickheads Abound
- 13 Danzig Bro
- 14 One Million Rainbows
- 15 Myre Bucolic
- 16 Easter
- 17 Pavlov’s Pavlova
- 18 Anything Everything Done
- 19 Wave Machine
Give Up Your Dreams
- 1 Mountain
- 2 Bob Lennon John Dylan
- 3 Playing Dead
- 4 Prawn
- 5 Jason
- 6 Celestial Bodies
- 7 Silent Orb
- 8 Sunbed
- 9 Give Up Your Dreams
- 10 Myth
- 1 Mountain
Tom's Lunch
Bob Lennon John Dylan
- 1 Black Mould
- 2 Modern Rock
- 3 The Captain
- 4 Thames Soup
- 5 Evolution Did
- 6 Inside Me Dead
- 7 Corale
- 8 Supernatural
- 9 Walls
- 10 Morning Riff
- 11 Sideways Glance
- 12 Friendly Society
The Captain
- 1 Eventually
- 2 Buffalo
- 3 Flock of Hearts
- 4 Pot
- 5 Bitte Bitte
- 6 Skeleton
- 7 Orange & Mango
- 8 Bailey's Beach
- 9 Wonton
- 10 Golden Ship
- 1 Pot
Merry Kriskmass
Happy Ending
Horse Power
- 1 Sister Risk
- 2 Let Me Die A Woman
- 3 This Charming Van
- 4 The Swarm
- 5 St Kevin
- 6 Bruiser - Miami 4000
- 7 Sally
- 8 Celebrate!
- 9 Going Fishing
- 10 Lambs
- 11 Wildlife