The Durutti Column akordy a texty písní
- I Get Along Without You Very Well
- Black Horses
- Dream Of A Child
- Lies Of Mercy
- Rope Around My Neck
- Party
- Sleep Will Come
- Wheels Turning
- Weakness And Fever
- The Beggar
- Bordeaux
- Sketch For Dawn
- Tomorrow
- The Room
- Smile In The Crowd
- Crumpled Dress
- Paradise Passage Road
- Prototype
- Requiem
- Piece for out of Tune Grande Piano
- Please Let Me Sleep
- Royal Infirmary
- Pigeon
- Salford Harmonics
- Piece of out of Tune Grande Piano
- San Giovanni Dawn
- Pol in G
- Piece for an Ideal
- Pete's Riff
- People's Pleasure Park
- 2 Times Nice
- 28 Oldham Street
- 4 Sophia
- A Beautiful Thought (Pt 1)
- A Beautiful Thought (Pt 2)
- A Little Mercy
- A Room in Southport
- A Silence
- A Wolf of the Steppes
- Abstract Of Expression
- Abuse
- Agnus Dei
- Alan
- All That Love and Maths Can Do
- Along Came Poppy
- American View
- Amigos em Portugal
- Ananda
- Anthony
- Arpeggiator
- Art and Freight
- At First Sight
- Audience Noise
- Beautiful Lies
- Beginning
- Belgian Friends
- Believe in Me
- Better Must Come
- Bhuddist Prayer
- Big Bill Rance
- Big Hole
- Birthday Present
- T Black Horses
- Blind Elevator Girl
- Blind Elevator Girl (Osaka)
- Blue
- Blue Period
- Boat People, Pt. 1
- Boat People, Pt. 2
- Bollywood
- T Bordeaux
- Bordeaux Sequence
- Brother
- Bruce
- Catos Revisited
- Cocktail
- College
- Collette
- Conduct
- Contact
- Contra - Indications
- Counting...
- T Crumpled Dress
- Cup A Soup Romance
- Dance I
- Dance II
- Danny
- Darkness Here
- Demo For Gathering Dust
- Destroy, She Said
- Detail for Annik
- Detail For Paul
- Dig a Hole
- Divided
- Don't Think You're Funny
- T Dream Of A Child
- Dream Topping
- Drinking Song
- T Drinking Time
- Drinking Time - Version
- Dry
- Dry on the Rocks
- Duet
- Duet With Piano
- E.E.
- E.L.T.
- Electrostatic
- Embattled Heart and Battling
- English Landscape Tradition
- Enigma
- Epilogue
- Estoril a noite
- Experiment in Fifth
- Fado
- Falling
- Fanfare
- Fanfare (Reprise)
- Fate
- Favourite Decending Intervals
- Favourite Descending Intervals
- Favourite Painting
- Fermina
- Fidelity
- Finding the Sea
- Florence Sunset
- Follow
- For A Western
- For Belgian Friends
- For Bruce
- For Colette
- For Danny
- For Friends in Italy
- For Jammer James
- For Loretta
- For Madeline
- For Mimi
- For Patti
- For Rachel
- For Rebecca
- For Suzanne
- For Zinni
- Francesca
- Free from All the Chaos
- Fridays
- Fridays - Version 2
- Friends In Belgium
- Future Perfect
- G & T
- Games of Rhythm
- Gathering Dust
- Ged
- Geh Cak Af En Yam
- Glimpse
- Goodbye
- Grace
- Grade 2 Duet
- Grief
- Guitar For Mother
- Guitar-Woman
- T Gun
- Harry Dreams the Dream
- Head Glue
- Helen
- Hellow
- Highfield Choir
- Hilary
- Homage to Catalonea
- Home
- Hommage to Martinu
- Hotel Calderon
- Hotel of The Lake, 1990
- How Unbelievable
- Chant
- I B Yours
- I B Yours - Version
- T I Get Along Without You Very Well
- I'm Alive
- In "D"
- In Memory Of Anthony
- In the City
- Interleukin 2 (For Anthony)
- Interlude
- Interview - Recorded 13.8.1981
- Invitations
- Its Wonderful
- Jacqueline
- Jaqueline
- Jazz
- Jongleur Grey
- Journeys by Vespa
- Juan Montero & The Drum
- Katherine
- Keir
- Kiss of Def
- Les Preger's Tune
- Let Me Tell You Something
- LFO Mod
- T Lies Of Mercy
- Lips That Would Kiss
- Lips That Would Kiss (Form Prayers to Broken Stone)
- Lisboa
- Little Mercy
- Lock-down
- Longsight Romance
- Loser
- Love Is A Friend
- Love No More
- Love song on Quattro
- Lullaby
- Lullaby 4 Nina
- Lunch
- Madeleine
- Madeline
- Madre Mio
- Maggie
- Magic Theatre
- Mama and Papa
- Mavucha
- Mello
- Mello, Pt. 1
- Mello, Pt. 2
- Menina ao Pe Duma Piscina
- Mercy Dance
- Mercy in the Cathedral
- Mercy Theme
- Meschugana
- Messages
- Messidor
- Mike
- Mirror A
- Mirror B
- Misere
- Misery
- Miss Haymes
- Model
- More Rainbows
- Mother From Spain
- My Country
- My Irascible Friend
- My Last Kiss
- My Only Love
- My Poppy
- Mystery
- Natural Mystics
- Neil
- Neon
- Never Known
- Never Known Version
- New Order Tribute
- Nina
- Nine Years
- No Last Surprise
- No More Hurt
- Octaves
- One Christmas for Your Thoughts
- Opera 1
- Opera II
- Or Are You Just a Technician
- Organ Donor
- Otis
- Our Lady
- Our Lady Of The Angels
- Out of the Blue
- Overlord, Pt. 1
- Painting
- Pancho and Poppy
- T Paradise Passage Road
- T Party
- Pathway
- Pauline
- People's Pleasure Park
- Pete's Riff
- Piece for an Ideal
- Piece for out of Tune Grande Piano
- Piece of out of Tune Grande Piano
- Pigeon
- Please Let Me Sleep
- Pol in B
- Pol in G
- Poppy & Pancho
- Portrait For Frazer
- Portrait for Paul
- Prayer
- Protest Song
- T Prototype
- Quatro
- Rainbow Maker
- Rant
- Real Drums - Real Drummer
- Red Shoes
- Red Square
- Remember
- Remember Me
- Requiem
- Requiem Again
- Requiem For A Father
- Requiem For My Mother
- Response
- Rob Grey's Elegy
- T Rope Around My Neck
- Royal Infirmary
- Salford Harmonics
- San Giovanni Dawn
- Sanko
- Sara e Tristana
- Saudade
- Sea Wall
- Second Family
- Self Portrait
- Sharrock's Tune
- Shirt No.7
- Shooting
- Short
- Sigh Becomes A Scream
- Silence
- Sing to Me
- T Sketch For Dawn
- Sketch For Dawn - I
- Sketch For Dawn - II
- Sketch For Summer
- Sketch for Winter
- T Sleep Will Come
- Slipping away
- Small Girl By A Pool
- T Smile In The Crowd
- Snowflakes
- So Many Crumbs And Monkeys!
- Somebody's Party
- Somewhere
- Song for Les Preger
- Soul Track
- Spanish Lament
- Spanish Reggae
- Spasmic Fairy
- T Spent Time
- Stains (Useless Body)
- Storm For Steve
- Street Fight
- Stuki
- Stupid Steppenwolf (Pt 1)
- Stupid Steppenwolf (Pt 2)
- Synergetic
- Take Some Time Out
- Telephone Call
- Tempus Fugit
- That Blows My Name Away (For Rachel)
- The Act Committed
- The Aftermath
- T The Beggar
- The Best Dream
- The Crowned Goddess
- The End of the Journey
- The Eye and the Hand
- T The Fields Of Athenry
- The First Aspect Of The Same Thing
- The Changes Go up and the Changes Go Down
- The man who knows
- The Missing Boy
- The Mothers and the Fathers
- The Next Time
- The Rest of a Life
- The Rest of My Life
- T The Room
- The Second Aspect Of The Same Thing
- The Sweet Cheat Gone
- The Tabla Bong Guitar
- The Title on the Cover
- The Together Mix
- The Truth
- The Warmest Rain
- The Water Colour Class
- They Work Every Day
- To End With
- To Raise a Gentle Smile
- T Tomorrow
- Trip for an Opera
- Trust The Art Not The Artist
- Tuesday
- Twenty Trees
- U.S.P.
- Untitled for You
- Verbier (For Patti)
- Vestido Amarrotado
- Vigil
- Vino della casa bianco
- Vino della casa rossa
- Violence
- Voluntary Arrangement
- Waiting
- T Weakness And Fever
- What Is It to Me (Woman)
- T Wheels Turning
- When the World
- Where I Should Be
- Whisper To The Wind
- White Rabbit
- Wild Beast Tamed
- William B
- Without Mercy
- Without Mercy 1
- Without Mercy 2
- Woman
- T You've Heard It Before
- Zinni
At Twilight
- 1 Lips That Would Kiss (Form Prayers to Broken Stone)
- 2 Madeleine
- 3 Sleep Will Come
- 4 The Eye and the Hand
- 5 Experiment in Fifth
- 6 Piece for an Ideal
- 7 Party
- 8 For Patti
- 9 Weakness And Fever
- 10 Zinni
- 11 Favourite Painting
- 12 Piece for out of Tune Grande Piano
- 13 Danny
- 14 Enigma
- 15 The Beggar
- 16 Detail for Annik
- 17 Mavucha
- 18 Hommage to Martinu
- 19 Portrait for Paul
- 20 Piece of out of Tune Grande Piano
- 21 Snowflakes
- 22 One Christmas for Your Thoughts
Amigos em Portugal
Live At The Venue
Chronicle LX: XL
- 1 Fanfare
- 2 Embattled Heart and Battling
- 3 Synergetic
- 4 Poppy & Pancho
- 5 The Rest of a Life
- 6 The Water Colour Class
- 7 Nine Years
- 8 Party
- 9 Mello
- 10 Mercy in the Cathedral
- 11 To Raise a Gentle Smile
- 12 Pancho and Poppy
- 13 Fanfare (Reprise)
- 14 Free from All the Chaos
- 15 Electrostatic
- 16 Follow
- 17 Misery
- 18 Big Bill Rance
- 19 The Tabla Bong Guitar
- 20 Hotel Calderon
- 21 Dry on the Rocks
- 22 Sharrock's Tune
- 23 The Changes Go up and the Changes Go Down
- 24 For Jammer James
- 25 Juan Montero & The Drum
Short Stories for Pauline
- 1 At First Sight
- 2 Duet
- 3 College
- 4 Invitations
- 5 Destroy, She Said
- 6 Model
- 7 Journeys by Vespa
- 8 Take Some Time Out
- 9 A Silence
- 10 Mirror A
- 11 Cocktail
- 12 Telephone Call
- 13 Mirror B
- 14 A Room in Southport
A Paean to Wilson
- 1 Or Are You Just a Technician
- 2 Chant
- 3 Quatro
- 4 Requiem
- 5 Stuki
- 6 Along Came Poppy
- 7 Brother
- 8 Duet With Piano
- 9 Darkness Here
- 10 Catos Revisited
- 11 The Truth
- 12 How Unbelievable
- 13 Bruce
- 14 Keir
- 15 Neil
- 16 Mike
- 17 Alan
- 18 Anthony
Love In The Time Of Recession
- 1 In Memory Of Anthony
- 2 Rant
- 3 More Rainbows
- 4 I'm Alive
- 5 For Bruce
- 6 Painting
- 7 Wild Beast Tamed
- 8 Rainbow Maker
- 9 My Poppy
- 10 Loser
- 11 Lock-down
Treatise on the Steppenwolf
Sunlight To Blue... Blue To Blackness
- 1 Glimpse
- 2 Contact
- 3 Messages
- 4 Ged
- 5 Ananda
- 6 Never Known Version
- 7 So Many Crumbs And Monkeys!
- 8 Head Glue
- 9 Demo For Gathering Dust
- 10 Cup A Soup Romance
- 11 Grief
Live In Bruxelles 13.8.1981
Idiot Savants
Sporadic Three
Keep Breathing
Tempus Fugit
- 1 Counting...
- 2 Shooting
- 3 Lullaby 4 Nina
- 4 Mystery
- 5 Guitar-Woman
- 6 Violence
- 7 Bollywood
- 8 Love song on Quattro
- 9 Tempus Fugit
- 10 The man who knows
- 11 Slipping away
- 12 Trip for an Opera
- 13 Untitled for You
- 14 Salford Harmonics
- 15
The Best of Durutti Column
- 1 Sketch For Summer
- 2 Conduct
- 3 Sketch for Winter
- 4 Lips That Would Kiss
- 5 For Belgian Friends
- 6 Danny
- 7 Never Known
- 8 Jacqueline
- 9 The Missing Boy
- 10 Prayer
- 11 Spent Time
- 13 Without Mercy
- 14 The Room
- 15 Tomorrow
- 16 LFO Mod
- 17 What Is It to Me (Woman)
- 18 Otis
- 19 Requiem Again
- 20 Home
- 21 Contra - Indications
- 22 People's Pleasure Park
- 23 My Irascible Friend
- 24 Fado
- 25 Sing to Me
- 26 Pigeon
Someone Else's Party
- 1 Love Is A Friend
- 2 Spanish Lament
- 3 Somewhere
- 4 Somebody's Party
- 5 Requiem For My Mother
- 6 Remember
- 7 Vigil
- 8 Blue
- 9 No More Hurt
- 10 Spasmic Fairy
- 11 American View
- 12 Drinking Time
- 13 Woman
- 14 Goodbye
Time Was Gigantic....... When We Were Kids
- 1 Organ Donor
- 2 Pigeon
- 3 I B Yours
- 4 Twenty Trees
- 5 Abuse
- 6 Drinking Song
- 7 Sing to Me
- 8 My Last Kiss
- 9 For Rachel
- 10 Highfield Choir
- 11 Epilogue
- 1 Fidelity
- 2 For Suzanne
- 3 Future Perfect
- 4 Abstract Of Expression
- 5 G & T
- 6 Remember Me
- 7 Sanko
- 8 Grace
- 9 Guitar For Mother
- 10 Storm For Steve
- 11 My Only Love
Sex and Death
- 1 Anthony
- 2 The Rest of My Life
- 3 For Colette
- 4 The Next Time
- 5 Beautiful Lies
- 6 My Irascible Friend
- 7 Believe in Me
- 8 Fermina
- 9 Where I Should Be
- 10 Fado
- 11 Madre Mio
- 12 Blue Period
Red Shoes
- 1 Dry
- 2 Paradise Passage Road
- 3 Rope Around My Neck
- 4 Short
- 5 Boat People, Pt. 1
- 6 Boat People, Pt. 2
- 7 Our Lady
- 8 Grade 2 Duet
- 9 Octaves
- 10 Out of the Blue
- 11 Otis
- 12 English Landscape Tradition
- 13 Finding the Sea
- 14 Bordeaux
- 15 The Beggar
Obey the Time
Vini Reilly
- 1 Love No More
- 2 Pol in G
- 3 Opera 1
- 4 People's Pleasure Park
- 5 Red Square
- 6 Finding the Sea
- 7 Otis
- 8 William B
- 9 They Work Every Day
- 10 Opera II
- 11 Homage to Catalonea
- 12 Requiem Again
- 13 My Country
- 14 Paradise Passage Road
- 15 Les Preger's Tune
- 16 Bhuddist Prayer
- 17 Misere
- 18 Real Drums - Real Drummer
- 19 Pathway
- 20 Rob Grey's Elegy
- 21 Shirt No.7
The Guitar and Other Machines
- 1 Arpeggiator
- 2 What Is It to Me (Woman)
- 3 Red Shoes
- 4 Jongleur Grey
- 5 When the World
- 6 U.S.P.
- 7 Bordeaux Sequence
- 8 Pol in B
- 9 English Landscape Tradition
- 10 Miss Haymes
- 11 Don't Think You're Funny
- 12 LFO Mod
- 13 Dream Topping
- 14 28 Oldham Street
- 15 Otis
- 16 E.L.T.
- 17 Finding the Sea
- 18 Bordeaux
Circuses and Bread
Domo Arigato
- 1 Sketch For Summer
- 2 Sketch For Dawn
- 3 Mercy Theme
- 4 Little Mercy
- 5 Dream Of A Child
- 6 Mercy Dance
- 7 The Room
- 8 E.E.
- 9 Blind Elevator Girl
- 10 Tomorrow
- 11 For Belgian Friends
- 12 The Missing Boy
- 13 Self Portrait
- 14 Audience Noise
- 15 Our Lady Of The Angels
- 16 White Rabbit
- 17 When the World
Without Mercy
- 1 Without Mercy 1
- 2 Without Mercy 2
- 3 Goodbye
- 4 The Room
- 5 A Little Mercy
- 6 Silence
- 7 E.E.
- 8 Hellow
- 9 All That Love and Maths Can Do
- 10 Sea Wall
Another Setting
- 1 Prayer
- 2 Response
- 3 Bordeaux
- 4 For A Western
- 5 The Beggar
- 6 Francesca
- 7 Smile In The Crowd
- 8 Dream Of A Child
- 9 Spent Time
- 10 You've Heard It Before
- 11 Second Family
- 12 Amigos em Portugal
- 13 Menina ao Pe Duma Piscina
- 14 Lisboa
- 15 Sara e Tristana
- 16 Estoril a noite
- 17 Favourite Decending Intervals
- 18 To End With
The Return of The Durutti Column