The 3rd and the Mortal akordy a texty písní
- Salva Me
- In Mist Shrouded
- Vandring
- Did You
- Lengsel
- Sleep
- So Pure
- Song
- Stream
- Harvest
- Magma
- Sort Of Invisible
- Dreamscapes
- Oceana
- Death Hymn
- Veiled Exposure
- Atupoéma
- Why So Lonely
- Crystal Orchids
- Sophisticated Vampires
- Sorrow
- Commemoration
- Ring Of Fire
- White Waters
- Aurora Australis
- Vavonia Part II
- Vavonia (Part I)
- Aurora Borealis
- Trial Of Past
- The Wooden Lodge
- A Touch Of...
- T Atupoéma
- Aurora Australis
- Aurora Borealis
- Azure
- T Commemoration
- T Crystal Orchids
- T Death Hymn
- Death-Hymn
- T Did You
- T Dreamscapes
- Eat The Distance
- T From The Depth Of Memories
- T Grevinnens Bønn
- T Harvest
- Hollow
- T Horizons
- T In Mist Shrouded
- T Lengsel
- T Magma
- Monody
- T Myriad Of Peep-holes
- T Neurosis
- T Oceana
- Persistent And Fleeting
- T Ring Of Fire
- T Salva Me
- Shaman
- T Silently I Surrender
- T Sleep
- T So Pure
- T Song
- T Sophisticated Vampires
- T Sorrow
- T Sort Of Invisible
- Stairs
- T Stream
- The Barge
- T The Meadow
- The Wooden Lodge
- Trial Of Past
- T Vandring
- Vavonia (Part I)
- T Vavonia Part II
- T Veiled Exposure
- White Waters
- T Why So Lonely
In This Room
- 1 Stream
- 2 Monody
- 3 So Pure
- 4 The Wooden Lodge
- 5 Sophisticated Vampires
- 6 Harvest
- 7 Did You
- 8 Myriad Of Peep-holes
- 9 Sort Of Invisible
- 10 A Touch Of...
- 11 Hollow
- 12 The Barge
- 13 Sleep
Painting On Glass
- 1 Magma
- 2 Commemoration
- 3 Crystal Orchids
- 4 Persistent And Fleeting
- 5 White Waters
- 6 Aurora Borealis
- 7 Dreamscapes
- 8 Aurora Australis
- 9 Azure
- 10 Veiled Exposure
- 11 Stairs
- 12 Eat The Distance
- 13 Vavonia Part II
- 14 Horizons
Tears Laid In Earth
- 1 Vandring
- 2 Why So Lonely
- 3 Atupoéma
- 4 Death-Hymn
- 5 Shaman
- 6 Trial Of Past
- 7 Lengsel
- 8 Salva Me
- 9 Song
- 10 In Mist Shrouded
- 11 Oceana