Sturgill Simpson akordy a texty písní
- Turtles All the Way Down
- You Can Have the Crown
- Old King Coal
- The Promise
- Welcome to Earth (Pollywog)
- Time After All
- The Storm
- A Little Light
- Sea Stories
- Keep It Between the Lines
- Water in a Well
- Call to Arms
- Some Days
- Long White Line
- Railroad of Sin
- In Bloom
- Hero
- It Ain't All Flowers
- Oh Sarah
- Breakers Roar
- I'd Have to Be Crazy
- Poor Rambler
- Life of Sin
- Sitting Here Without You
- Polly
- Brace for Impact (Live a Little)
- Pan Bowl
- Life Ain't Fair and the World Is Mean
- Voices
- All Said and Done
- T A Good Look
- T A Little Light
- T All Around You
- T All Said and Done
- T Best Clockmaker on Mars
- T Brace for Impact (Live a Little)
- T Breakers Roar
- T Call to Arms
- T Fastest Horse in Town
- T Hero
- T I'd Have to Be Crazy
- T In Bloom
- T It Ain't All Flowers
- T Just Let Go
- T Keep It Between the Lines
- T Last Man Standing
- Life Ain't Fair and the World Is Mean
- T Life of Sin
- T Living the Dream
- T Long White Line
- T Make Art Not Friends
- T Mercury in Retrograde
- T Oh Sarah
- T Old King Coal
- Pan Bowl
- Polly
- T Poor Rambler
- T Railroad of Sin
- T Remember to Breathe
- Ronin
- T Sea Stories
- T Sing Along
- T Sitting Here Without You
- T Some Days
- T The Promise
- T The Storm
- T Time After All
- T Turtles All the Way Down
- T Voices
- T Water in a Well
- T Welcome to Earth (Pollywog)
- T You Can Have the Crown
Sound & Fury
A Sailor's Guide to Earth
In Bloom
Brace for Impact (Live a Little)
Metamodern Sounds in Country Music
The Promise
Turtles All the Way Down
High Top Mountain
Life Ain't Fair and the World Is Mean