Splender akordy a texty písní
- Special
- Happier This Way
- Spin
- London
- No Big Deal
- Space Boy
- Monotone
- I Think God Can Explain
- Here I Am, There You Go
- Supernatural
- Wide Awake
- I Apologize
- Wallflower
- Irresponsible
- Cigarette
- Loneliest Person I Know
- I Don't Understand
- Maybe Someday
- Good Evening
- Halfway Down The Sky
- But, Anyway
- Save It For Later
- High
- Yeah, Whatever
- The Loneliest Person I Know
- What Have I Got To Lose
- T But, Anyway
- T Cigarette
- T Good Evening
- T Halfway Down The Sky
- T Happier This Way
- T Here I Am, There You Go
- T High
- T I Apologize
- T I Don't Understand
- T I Think God Can Explain
- T Irresponsible
- T London
- T Loneliest Person I Know
- T Maybe Someday
- T Monotone
- T No Big Deal
- T Save It For Later
- T Space Boy
- T Special
- T Spin
- T Supernatural
- The Loneliest Person I Know
- T Wallflower
- T What Have I Got To Lose
- T Wide Awake
- T Yeah, Whatever
Save It For Later
To Whom It May Concern
Halfway Down The Sky
- 1 I Don't Understand
- 2 Yeah, Whatever
- 3 Monotone
- 4 Space Boy
- 5 Special
- 6 I Think God Can Explain
- 7 Supernatural
- 8 Irresponsible
- 9 I Apologize
- 10 Spin
- 11 Cigarette
- 12 Wallflower
- 13 London