Savatage akordy a texty písní
- Chance
- Man in the Mirror
- Believe
- Sarajevo
- Sleep
- Handful of Rain
- Sirens
- Legions
- When the Crowds Are Gone
- Sammy and Tex
- Gutter Ballet
- Edge of Thorns
- Hall of the Mountain King
- Voyage
- All That I Bleed
- The Rumor
- City Beneath the Surface
- Stay
- On the Run
- 24 Hours Ago
- Forever After
- Ghost in the Ruins
- Rage
- Warriors
- Back to a Reason
- Commissar
- The Unholy
- D.T. Jesus
- He Carves His Stone
- Visions
- T 24 Hours Ago
- T A Little Too Far
- T Agony and Ecstasy
- T All That I Bleed
- T Alone You Breathe
- T Another Way
- T Anymore
- T Awaken
- T Back to a Reason
- T Believe
- T Beyond the Doors of the Dark
- T Blackjack Guillotine
- T By the Grace of the Witch
- T Can You Hear Me Now
- T Castles Burning
- T City Beneath the Surface
- T Commissar
- T Complaint In the System
- T Conversation Piece
- Criss Intro
- T Crying for Love
- T D.T. Jesus
- T Damien
- T Day After Day
- T Dead Winter Dead
- T Degrees of Sanity
- T Desiree
- T Devastation
- T Doesn't Matter Anyway
- T Drive
- T Edge of Thorns
- Exit Music
- T Fight for the Rock
- T Follow Me
- T Forever After
- T Fountain of Youth
- T Ghost in the Ruins
- T Gutter Ballet
- T Hall of the Mountain King
- T Handful of Rain
- T Hard for Love
- T He Carves His Stone
- T Heal My Soul
- T Holocaust
- T Hounds
- Hourglass
- T Hyde
- T Chance
- Christmas Eve
- T Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24)
- T I Am
- T I Believe
- T I Seek Power
- T If I Go Away
- T In the Dream
- Intro To Madness
- T Jesus Saves
- Labyrinths
- T Lady in Disguise
- Last Dawn
- T Legions
- T Lights Out
- T Living for the Night
- T Man in the Mirror
- Memory
- T Mentally Yours
- T Midas Knight
- T Miles Away
- T Morning Sun
- T Morphine Child
- T Mozart and Madness
- T Necrophilia
- T New York City Don't Mean Nothing
- T Not What You See
- T Nothing's Going On
- NYC Don't Mean Nothing
- T Of Rage and War
- T On the Run
- T One Child
- T Out on the Streets
- Overture
- T Paragons of Innocence
- Post Script
- T Power of the Night
- Prelude to Madness
- T Prelude to Madness / Hall of the Mountain King
- T Rage
- T Red Light Paradise
- T Sammy and Tex
- T Sarajevo
- T Scream Murder
- T She's in Love
- She's Only Rock and Roll
- T Shotgun Innocence
- Silk and Steel
- T Sirens
- T Skraggy's Tomb
- T Skull Session
- T Sleep
- T Somewhere in Time
- T Somewhere In Time / Alone You Breathe
- T St. Patrick's
- T Stare Into the Sun
- T Starlight
- T Stay
- T Stay with Me Awhile
- T Strange Reality
- T Strange Wings
- T Streets
- T Stuck on You
- T Summer's Rain
- T Surrender
- T Symmetry
- T Taunting Cobras
- Temptation Revelation
- Temptation Revelation / When The Crowds Are Gone
- T The Dungeons Are Calling
- T The Edge of Midnight
- T The Hourglass
- The Ocean
- T The Price You Pay
- T The Rumor
- The Storm
- T The Unholy
- T The Wake of Magellan
- T The Whip
- T There in the Silence
- T This is the Time
- T This is the Time (1990)
- T This is Where You Should Be
- T This Isn't What We Meant
- T Thorazine Shuffle
- T Tonight He Grins Again
- T Turns to Me
- T Twisted Little Sister
- T Underture
- T Unusual
- T Visions
- Voyage
- T Warriors
- T Washed Out
- T Watching You Fall
- T Welcome
- When the Corwds Are Gone
- T When the Crowds Are Gone
- T White Witch
- T Wishing Well
- T You're Alive
Still the Orchestra Plays
- 1 Power of the Night
- 2 Hall of the Mountain King
- 3 24 Hours Ago
- 4 Legions
- 5 Gutter Ballet
- 6 Summer's Rain
- 7 When the Crowds Are Gone
- 8 Ghost in the Ruins
- 9 If I Go Away
- 10 NYC Don't Mean Nothing
- 11 Edge of Thorns
- 12 All That I Bleed
- 13 Handful of Rain
- 14 Chance
- 15 One Child
- 16 I Am
- 17 Anymore
- 18 Hourglass
- 19 The Wake of Magellan
- 20 Morphine Child
- 21 Anymore
- 22 Not What You See
- 23 Out on the Streets
Poets and Madmen
- 1 Stay with Me Awhile
- 2 There in the Silence
- 3 Commissar
- 4 I Seek Power
- 5 Drive
- 6 Morphine Child
- 7 The Rumor
- 8 Man in the Mirror
- 9 Surrender
- 10 Awaken
- 11 Back to a Reason
The Wake of Magellan
The Best and the Rest
Dead Winter Dead
From the Gutter to the Stage
- 1 Sirens
- 2 Power of the Night
- 3 Prelude to Madness
- 4 Hall of the Mountain King
- 5 24 Hours Ago
- 6 Gutter Ballet
- 7 When the Crowds Are Gone
- 8 Silk and Steel
- 9 New York City Don't Mean Nothing
- 10 Agony and Ecstasy
- 11 Believe
- 12 Edge of Thorns
- 13 Chance
- 14 Mozart and Madness
- 15 One Child
- 16 Shotgun Innocence
- 17 Forever After
- 18 This is Where You Should Be
- 19 D.T. Jesus
Final Bell / Ghost in the Ruins
Japan Live '94
Handful of Rain
Edge of Thorns
- 1 Edge of Thorns
- 2 He Carves His Stone
- 3 Lights Out
- 4 Skraggy's Tomb
- 5 Labyrinths
- 6 Follow Me
- 7 Exit Music
- 8 Degrees of Sanity
- 9 Conversation Piece
- 10 All That I Bleed
- 11 Damien
- 12 Miles Away
- 13 Sleep
Streets: A Rock Opera
Gutter Ballet
Hall of the Mountain King
Fight for the Rock
Power of the Night
The Dungeons Are Calling