Rigor Sardonicous akordy a texty písní
- Mane De Maeroris
- Rex Regis Fortuna
- The Dead
- Risus Ex Mortuus
- Wall Of Darkness
- Jewish Massacre
- Apocalypsis Damnare
- Rigor Sardonicous
- Agony
- Saprophyte
- Holy Suicide
- Misery
- Parasitosis
- Human Rot
- Homophile Necrophilia
- Soulless Extinction
- Sleepless
- Incompertus Quod Anon
- The Deathless Sol
- Despair
- Laudare Apocalypsis
- Pandemic
- Intereo Parum Infantia
- Anima Interitus
- Season Of The Dead
- Silens Somnium
- Caelum Inferiorum
- Caelum Ardere Vidistis
- Terra De Contemptum
- Terra Mota Est
- Adventum Ex Flagrere
- T Agony
- T Alveus DE Somnus
- Anima Interitus
- T Apocalypsis Damnare
- Caelum Ardere Vidistis
- Caelum Inferiorum
- Death Cries
- T Death's Revelation
- Deligio Infinitus
- T Despair
- Diem Seriorem Scribere
- Ex Finitim
- Exordium
- God Of Thunder
- Hilarus Sperablis
- T Holy Suicide
- T Homophile Necrophilia
- T Human Rot
- Human Rot 7"
- In Autumn Twilight
- T Incompertus Quod Anon
- Intereo Parum Infantia
- T Jewish Massacre
- T Laudare Apocalypsis
- Little Rigor Boy
- T Mane De Maeroris
- T Misery
- Nox Noctis Theca Dies
- T Pandemic
- T Parasitosis
- T Phases of Death
- T Possession
- Praedestinare
- Praeparet Bellum
- Praevidere Peregrinus
- Prooemium
- T Prophecies I - Preapocaylptia
- T Rex Regis Fortuna
- T Rigor Sardonicous
- T Risus Ex Mortuus
- Sanguinem Floralibus Luna
- T Saprophyte
- T Season Of The Dead
- T Silens Somnium
- T Sleepless
- T Soulless Extinction
- Terra De Contemptum
- Terra Mota Est
- T The Dead
- T The Deathless Sol
- The Hound
- The Smiling Dead
- The Unsepulchered Dead
- Unholy Sonnet 10
- Vita Cantus
- Voluntatem Dei
- T Wall Of Darkness
Praeparet Bellum
Ridenti Mortuus
Ego Diligio Vos
Vivescere Exitium
Apocalypsis Damnare
- 1 Exordium
- 2 Apocalypsis Damnare
- 3 Pandemic
- 4 Human Rot
- 5 Saprophyte
- 6 Holy Suicide
- 7 Misery
- 8 The Deathless Sol
Principia Sardonica
Vallis Ex Umbra DE Mortuus
Risus Ex Mortuus