Qwel akordy a texty písní
- Harriet Tubman
- Proof 101
- Ugly Hungry Puppy
- Quest For Fire
- Deuterium
- The Highest Commitment
- The Network
- Capathy
- Underachiever
- Brick Walls
- Hall Of Mirrors
- Ruby Ragdollene
- Art Of War
- Where I Go, There I Go
- Stress.com
- A Little Something
- Good Friday
- Plexiglass
- Pinnochio Syndrome
- Patent Green
- Meaty's Lament
- My Ex-Girlfriend Plays Keyboard for Tom Petty's Band
- Monkey Wrench
- Ruby Ragdollenne
- Scripture Red
- Silence
- Monacle
- $19.99 A.D.
- Sixth Sense
- Spider On the Web
- $19.99 A.D.
- A Dishin
- T A Little Something
- Age Of Aquarius
- Alley Cat
- Alphabetical Order
- T Art Of War
- Babylon Purple
- Blood from the Stone
- T Brick Walls
- Broken Wing
- Burnt Sand, Toasty Days
- Cabin Fever
- T Capathy
- Come Back
- Corez Yellow
- Dan Rather
- T Deuterium
- Doom Awaits
- Fable Salt
- Face Value
- Gary´s Warriors, Electric Replicants
- T Good Friday
- Good Friday (Government Music)
- Gray Scale
- Grey Outside
- Group Hug
- T Hall Of Mirrors
- T Harriet Tubman
- Heavy Death Metal Waits
- T Host
- Humilities
- Checker Board Floor
- T Chicago '66
- T Chicago Barbeque
- T If It Ain't Been in a Pawn Shop, Then It Can't Play the Blues
- In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb
- Indigo
- Job Application
- Judge Me
- Lamb
- Lead Poisoning, Duwayne´s Machine
- Little Itty Bitty Spider
- Live
- Live (Outro) With Adeem
- Magician Competition, You´re Me, Cast A Spell
- Magikist
- Meaty's Lament
- Monacle
- Monkey Wrench
- My Ex-Girlfriend Plays Keyboard for Tom Petty's Band
- Patent Green
- Pinnochio Syndrome
- Plexiglass
- T Proof 101
- T Quest For Fire
- T Ruby Ragdollene
- T Ruby Ragdollenne
- Scripture Red
- Silence
- Sixth Sense
- Spider On the Web
- Steel Blue
- Stone Soup
- T Stress.com
- Sundial
- The Agent (Orange)
- T The Highest Commitment
- T The Network
- The Nuclear Family
- The Rubber Duckie Experiment
- The Siren of Liberty Island
- The War Reports in, Eurasia
- Travel Avalon
- T Ugly Hungry Puppy
- Ugly Window
- T Underachiever
- Walking the Plankton
- T Where I Go, There I Go
- Wind Instrument
Visible Light
Stone Soup
The Rubber Duckie Experiment
- 1 The Rubber Duckie Experiment
- 2 Wind Instrument
- 3 Host
- 4 Walking the Plankton
- 5 Pinnochio Syndrome
- 6 Silence
- 7 Dan Rather
- 8 Lamb
- 9 The War Reports in, Eurasia
- 10 Monacle
- 11 Ugly Window
- 12 Fable Salt
- 13 Sundial
If It Ain't Been in a Pawn Shop, Then It Can't Play the Blues
- 1 Quest For Fire
- 2 Underachiever
- 3 Stress.com
- 4 Proof 101
- 5 Hall Of Mirrors
- 6 The Highest Commitment
- 7 If It Ain't Been in a Pawn Shop, Then It Can't Play the Blues
- 8 Good Friday (Government Music)
- 9 Harriet Tubman
- 10 Art Of War
- 11 Meaty's Lament
- 12 Brick Walls
- 13 Plexiglass
- 14 $19.99 A.D.
- 15 My Ex-Girlfriend Plays Keyboard for Tom Petty's Band
- 16 Chicago Barbeque
......... Close But No Cigar
- 1 Group Hug
- 2 Alley Cat
- 3 Heavy Death Metal Waits
- 4 Monkey Wrench
- 5 Gary´s Warriors, Electric Replicants
- 6 Job Application
- 7 Doom Awaits
- 8 Come Back
- 9 Age Of Aquarius
- 10 Lead Poisoning, Duwayne´s Machine
- 11 Magician Competition, You´re Me, Cast A Spell
- 12 Grey Outside
- 13 Burnt Sand, Toasty Days
- 14 Travel Avalon
- 15 Magikist
- 16 Alphabetical Order
- 17 Judge Me
- 18 Humilities