Pissing Razors akordy a texty písní
- Box Life
- Ruin
- Permanent
- Voice Of Reason
- Hanging On The Cross
- I've Tried
- Desperado
- Fork Tongue
- Mass Corruption
- Out Of Control
- Keep To Myself
- Truth In Disguise
- Fields Of Disbelief
- Cast Down The Plague
- You Never Know
- Burning Brides
- Understand
- Born To Serve
- World Of One
- Sever The Ties
- Between Heaven And Hell
- Reality Of War
- Two Face Devil
- Away
- Forever
- Where We Come From
- Replace The Day
- Broken Trust
- Dodging Bullets
- Silent Hatred
- T Away
- T Between Heaven And Hell
- T Born To Serve
- T Box Life
- T Broken Trust
- T Burning Brides
- T Burning Bridges
- T Cast Down The Plague
- Crushing Grip
- T Cursed
- T Desperado
- Die for the Crown
- T Disaster
- Disfigured
- Division Lines
- T Dodging Bullets
- Down With the Cause
- Dripping Skin
- Eulogy Death March
- Evolución
- T Evolution
- T Fall Away
- T Fields Of Disbelief
- For What Its Worth
- T Forever
- T Fork Tongue
- Friends
- Fuck You Up
- T Hanging On The Cross
- Haze of Deception
- Headstrong
- Hillbilly-Control Is
- Chemical Burn
- T Choices
- I Hate You
- T I've Tried
- In Spite of My Scars
- In the Shadows
- T Justice Denied
- T Keep To Myself
- Left for Dead
- T Life of a Lunatic
- T Mass Corruption
- T Mistake No. 1
- Nine Lives
- T No Way Out
- Nothing to Say
- T Open the Gates
- T Opportunidad
- T Out Of Control
- T Permanent
- T Perseverance
- Psycho Punko Razor Funk
- Pulverized
- T Reality Of War
- T Regret
- T Replace The Day
- Result of Virtue
- Result of Virtue Intro
- T Ruin
- T Season to Die
- T Selfish
- T Sever The Ties
- Sharpened Word
- T Silent Hatred
- Sounds
- T Survival of Time
- T Sympathy
- T Takedown
- T The Other Side
- T The Threshold
- T Three
- Throwing Stones
- Tortured
- T Train of Thought
- T Truth In Disguise
- T Two Face Devil
- T Understand
- Unsee
- T Vengeance Is Mine
- Vengence Is Mine
- T Vexed
- T Voice Of Reason
- Wall Street Man
- T Wasteland
- Wasting Away
- T Where We Come From
- Why
- T World of Deceit
- T World Of One
- T You Never Know
- You'll Never Know
Eulogy Death March
Wasting Away
Psycho Punko Metal Groove
- 1 World of Deceit
- 2 Haze of Deception
- 3 Wasteland
- 4 Wall Street Man
- 5 Fuck You Up
- 6 Box Life
- 7 Headstrong
- 8 Friends
- 9 Season to Die
- 10 Why
- 11 I Hate You
- 12 Down With the Cause
- 13 Hillbilly-Control Is
- 14 Division Lines
- 15 Nine Lives
- 16 Voice Of Reason
- 17 Psycho Punko Razor Funk
- 18 Throwing Stones
- 19 Disfigured
- 20 Dripping Skin
Left for Dead
Crushing Grip
- 1 No Way Out
- 2 Fall Away
- 3 Hanging On The Cross
- 4 Evolution
- 5 Perseverance
- 6 The Threshold
- 7 Takedown
- 8 Two Face Devil
- 9 Replace The Day
- 10 Evolución
Live in the Devil's Triangle
- 1 Between Heaven And Hell
- 2 Burning Bridges
- 3 Fork Tongue
- 4 Three
- 5 Vengeance Is Mine
- 6 Justice Denied
- 7 Cursed
- 8 Survival of Time
- 9 Cast Down The Plague
- 10 Desperado
- 11 Season to Die
- 12 Tortured
- 13 Dodging Bullets
- 14 Forever
- 15 Mass Corruption
- 16 World of Deceit
Where We Come From
Fields of Disbelief
- 1 Between Heaven And Hell
- 2 Fork Tongue
- 3 Ruin
- 4 You'll Never Know
- 5 Selfish
- 6 Fields Of Disbelief
- 7 Three
- 8 Out Of Control
- 9 The Other Side
- 10 Regret
- 11 Sever The Ties
- 12 Choices
- 13 Voice Of Reason
Cast Down the Plague
- 1 Mass Corruption
- 2 Truth In Disguise
- 3 Survival of Time
- 4 Cast Down The Plague
- 5 Box Life
- 6 Understand
- 7 Sympathy
- 8 Forever
- 9 Vexed
- 10 Away
- 11 Mistake No. 1
- 12 Reality Of War
- 13 Train of Thought
Pissing Razors
- 1 Dodging Bullets
- 2 Tortured
- 3 Where We Come From
- 4 Permanent
- 5 Life of a Lunatic
- 6 World of Deceit
- 7 Disaster
- 8 Desperado
- 9 Sounds
- 10 Season to Die
- 11 Silent Hatred
- 12 For What Its Worth
- 13 Broken Trust